Happy New Year! Good health and happiness to all our readers in 2016.
These were the top posts of 2015. Which were your favourite? And what would you like to see covered here in 2016?
1. Different dog breeds, different sensitive period?

A study of three breeds finds differences in the sensitive period, and shows socialization should begin before you even take your puppy home. - See more at: http://www.companionanimalpsychology.com/2015/04/different-dog-breeds-different.html#sthash.yaKUk2kL.dpuf
A study of three breeds finds differences in the sensitive period, and shows socialization should begin before you even take your puppy home.2. Re-arranging metaphors for dogs

The problems with the wolf pack metaphor go deeper than you think.
3. What do young children learn from pets?

Is a better understanding of biology something that young children learn from dogs and cats?
4. Where do cats like to be stroked?

People expect cats to enjoy affection, but whats the cats opinion?
5. Six ways to entertain your dog indoors.

When walks are limited, these ideas will help you tire out your dog.
6. Do hand-reared wolves get attached to their humans?

Researchers test the bond between captive wolves and the humans who rear them.
7. Do dogs prefer petting or praise?

A new study asks dogs to make the choice.
8. Why you need to socialize your puppy.

The importance of socialization cant be stressed enough.
9. The right to walk away.

What can pet owners learn from the way scientists give animals choices in research?
10. Where do people get information about dog training?

Can people be blamed for dog training mistakes when there is so much erroneous information out there?
Photo credits, top to bottom: Seregraff; JLSnader; Zanna Holstova; elista; wongwean; Mike Focus; Geoffrey Kuchera; Felix Rohan; Lex-Art; Shapiro Svetlana; Terry Watt. All shutterstock.com.
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